October 16, 2006

Sparks: Gasoline For Your Mouth

3 reasons why I love Sparks:
1. After 3 or 4 cans, I get amped out of my fucking mind.
2. It tastes like Sweet-Tarts. That shit brings me back every time.
3. When you drink it AND take the Vicodin that you've been legally prescribed, your world gets turned upside down in a really, really good way.

3 reasons why I hate Sparks:
1. It leaves you with a hard hangover the next morning.
2. The can looks like a battery. I understand the marketing, but come on.
3. When you drink 6 cans then fall asleep, you wake up 3 hours later choking whomever is lying next to you. You're not even drunk when you're doing this, you're just still hyped out of your fucking mind.

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