In the wake of Rich Boy's smash hit "Throw Some Ds on That Bitch", and Kanye's subsequent remix (Click title for link), I decided to introduce a brand new feature for L.O.A. It's pretty much self-explanatory, but for those of you out of the proverbial 'loop', it's basically a hypothetical situation involving rather substantial breast augmentation. In order to accomodate this week's lucky celebrity critically acclaimed actress, Dakota Fanning, I needed to create some specialized software for my computer that would create a likely projection of what Dakota would look like as a legal adult (with Ds). It's similar to the software the FBI uses to help approximate the appearance of missing children in order to positively identify them many years later. It took me pretty much all weekend, but I think I've taken the technology one huge step foreward by enabling us not only to see an approximate age projection, but one with a full voluptuous cleavage to boot.
Having major Hollywood movies under her belt such as 'Man on Fire' and 'War of the Worlds' I heard that this girl is pulling in like 3 million per movie (at age 10)! Imagine how much she's looking at when she's like 18 or 19 with some monster-ass yabbos!
I was kind of wierded out when I first looked at this picture. I've never seen a set of huge titties photoshopped onto a 10 year old girl. Now I'm okay with it.
It wasnt photoshop. It was my new age projection software I created specifically for my blog. Pfffffft...Photoshop... Are you a moron or what?
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