man, there is kinda a few ways this post could go... something about Eddy Murphy and how she had his kid or whatever that whole deal was, something about the Spice Grrrrl reunion tour, and there may or may not be a few other things that could be talked about, but here is what i really wanna know, and you should as well, actually you might have the answer...
Is Melanie Brown hot? or even attractive for that matter? she was in second to last place when the Spice girls first hit the streets, but all the pregnant photos and now this bikini photo... im kinda thinking she looks good, but maybe she just looks good next to how she looked back in the day. get at those comments and let me and the rest of the www know what the deal is.
This one's hard for sure. Homegirl's legs look like they can snap a dick right off. I dont know how I feel about that.
Honestly, I would have pretty much boned-down every last one of the Spice Girls back in their hey-day.. (except for that one super butchy looking one -(Sporty Spice??) I took a particular shine to Baby Spice because she was short and just had that Slutty -yet kind of naive blonde thing going on.. After that it was pretty much a toss-up between Scary and Posh spice... But now Posh is should pretty much change her name to 'Creepy Anorexic Disgusting Spice'. I think, especially considering she just had a baby, Scary's hanging in there pretty good. Her body's looking pretty bangin. She could use a lil' tone-up, but never the less, definately hit that shit.
Man up and break bread on a bitch. I'd let her put that cigarette out in my pee-hole.
I'd also hit a veritable plethora of questionable stallions, IE: One of the williams sisters, Chloe Sevigny, Tokara from top model, Tyra (fat and evil Tyra) Anna Nicole (dead) Lili Taylor, and others!
BTW the list is dumb-long, my prehistoric Chuddasauras Rex's.
Man, Lili Taylor is some real pushing the Envelope type-shit.... Although, I might have to throw down the virtual gauntlet here; I'll see you that Lili Taylor and raise you a Janeane Garafolo... -Whatchu know bout that playboyyy!!!
whoa whoa whoa, Now I can hear something about venus or chloe, i'm on board. Sign me up...
But are we talking about the same Janeane Garafolo? Is there a hot one I'm unaware of?
Yeah I cant really even call it Playboy. Most of the time I'm thinking she's looking kinda like a raggedy-ass C.H.U.D. But every once in a while I get to thinking she's a lil' bit hot... I know it sounds crazy, but you just gotta trust me on this one troop...-I mean "Throop".
i think me and S-Dot have gone back and forth about this whole J.G. thing more than a few times and while im still up in the air on this one, i guess i can kinda see how she might look o.k. once in a while, but still... i cant really say shit cus im sure most anyone who knows me could pull my file on being into some pretty not-hot women once in a while.
Fuck Garafapolis. She looks like a depressing flabby lay.
Now Lili taylor, shes got that manic range, that intense crazy depth, could be great, and she could destroy your house. either way I'm on deck. I'd also nail Frances Mcdormand, all of the Flavor of Love chicks I mean ALL of them, well except for the one that looks like a mogwai with a gold weave - I think her names Hottie, and I couldn't do the Blond chick that spit on New York. Now New York is a stretch, but I would def recieve no handed sloppy head from her. And since we're being honest, all the girls from that WB show "Girlfriends", but c'mon, that not a stretch..
Lets get back to the questionably hot celebrities..
Fantasia Barrino, Jennifer Hudson they can come see me.....
hummmmmm (hand on chin, looking to sky , thinking about what alex said)
Fantasia Barrino-Absolutely not... , Jennifer Hudson -LETS DO THIS!!! ...
Aight... i'll cosign. Garafolo gets it.
What's up with Charlotte Gainsbourg?
She's got this hot dinosaur jaw thing happening.
Hey Alex, -did you ever stop and think that maybe I might be INTO depessing flabby lays??
Point taken Snickers. FYI I am "alex" my gmail account keeps swiitching. But you knew that didn't you..
She looks bangin! It's nice to see that thick broads are around in Hollywood. I'm all over Lili Taylor as well. Down since "Girlstown". I think anyone that knows me knows that I jock Serena and it's nice to see Scary rocking thick legs and huge tits. No other knocked up celebrity looked as good as this post-oven bun.
I'm down with Fantasia as well. Although I think that she may want to consider getting with a wig to cover up her butch cut.
A broad needs a hot flaw. Consider the cigarette in her hand. She's a new mother and is smoking. Probably boozing too.(She's British you know) This is all hot as hell. Look at Tina Fey with her big ass Vietnam scar on her face. I'm good to go.
So...yeah. She's looking good.
Don't hate Sporty though.
Triple dittos to that nigga Rykweezy.
And a cherry on top for the Tina Fey Holleration.
I'm definitely on board with that. The scar kills it, and the fact that she's one of the writers on SNL?? Brains also. Tight.
Kudos Chef.
I was just thinking the other day when she hit the news again with the Eddie Murphy baby stuff that she was still looking pretty fine. I'm also in your corner with Posh, she was my favorite one but she looked pretty ridiculous with those dumbass sunglasses at her husband's soccer game. Then again she was also sitting next to Eva Longoria so that didn't exactly help her cause.
i got baby spices back (as in hit it from the back) all the way!
ginger spice
Furby Spice
Skeezer Spice
old spice.
ive been on a non self imposed no tuna fish diet and she still looks busted.
She looks pretty damn good in that photo. High heels and a bikini, she must be feeling pretty damn confident too. I would beat that up like it owed me money fo' sho'
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