September 1, 2009


Wait... I still didnt get that part about how helping more people be able to afford healthcare, makes you a tyrant? Last time I checked, we weren't calling Canada and Great Brittain 'communists' or 'socialists' when we were begging them to join our misguided forays into Iraq... Here the real question at the root of this whole issue:
Is tbe goal of government to facilitate corporations making record annual profits? OR Is the role of government to facilitate a basic foundation for people to attain Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness? If you chose the first one, you are a Republican. If you chose the second one, you are a human being.

•LIFE -I.E. being the ability to stay alive. A determination I'd rather leave to people we elect to represent us in government, as opposed to insurance company CEOs, trying to make as much money as possible inspite of the medical care you or your family may need.

•LIBERTY - You know why they call it the "Public Option"? -Because it gives you a fucking OPTION. Right now the only options you have are deciding between trying to figure out how to pay for the overpriced/ inadequate private option (the one you can be dropped from at any time for little or no reason, if it means care you need, proves to be more expensive than your insurance company feels like paying for), OR -potentially dying because you cannot afford to pay for the 1st class health insurance every Republican senator and sellout 'blue-dog' Democrat gets (which happens to be paid for by the "public' I.E. the "government".

•THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS - For starters, pursuing happiness begins with staying alive and being healthy (see the first 2).
also, I don't think paying a little more for taxes (People making over 250K per year) will keep anyone from pursuing anything approximating happiness.


Anonymous said...


Extreme Ash said...

I heart this post.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

angrytownhall.com = AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that this is even debatable, America is so fucking bankrupt that it's not even possible to pull anything off in all reality. Unless you want Bernanke to print more useless money, then America will collapse even faster.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

America is always bankrupt, unless it pertains to military spending and bank bailouts. Then, in those cases we're BALLLLIN'!! Tax cuts uber alles!

Anonymous said...

the government can't run anything right, even the simplest plan like cash for clunkers went horriblly wrong, theyll just pack the board with abuncha lazy government workers and their political cronies just like bush did with fema

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

But why can't the Government run anything right? Why is that? A large part of the theory that "government can't do anything right" is because that is the Republican mantra -(holler at Republican heroes Ronald Reagan and Grover Norquist about that). If you listen to their philosophy, they don't want the government to do anything except facilitate unobstructed capitalization and privatization. -This is a highly ironic position considering they are speaking to the incompetence, of which they are actively contributing to. It's like a news anchor saying "The network news does a terrible job of covering politics (true), therefore they should just report on Heidi Montagm and Lindsay Lohan 24/7."

Stating that 'government' cant do anything right is a stupid argument. There are highly competent and incompetent people in both the public and private sector. Just like in any business, if you suck at your job, you should get fired and do something else for a living. That's, at least theoretically, why we have elections (I see you Joe Lieberman). The reason the government is so inefficient is because many politicians are quite content being shills for corporate lobbiyists; -Which is exactly why the main thing this country needs is campaign finance reform.

bastion of suffering said...

damn blud, hella smart... i would encourage people to watch frontline's "sick around america" and i believe the follow up is "sick around the world." oh and snickerdoodles, i using that analogy.