As I was confirming friend requests with 3 dumb blonde sluts on Myspace last night, I came across "PaPi JaE" on one of their top 8 lists. The first thing I thought was "Damn son, I need to give holmes a little shine on the L.O.A." -After all, he tried on like 8 different outfits for his pictures page all with color-coordinated New Era Caps. The Clincher was reading some of the captions he put under them including: -"GrowiN Mah Hair OnCe Again 4Dem BraidS (aKa a HeadAche)" • "Dat Sexii Mean LooK 4yaa" • "Nigga Tired, Sad, BoreD, Stressed Out, iDk, Be Mah GuesS" • and possibly my favorite: "i Dont DrinK 2MucH But Wen i FeeL LoneLy Mah Nigga Nxt 2me Got Mah BaC"
It's important to keep in mind that this dude appears to be as white as the driven snow; and visually, his page is among the worst I've EVER seen. A true graphic design nightmare...Peep the realness at:
That's interesting that this young man is from Deer Park, Long Island. Deer Park is actualy home to the Biggest Faggot Ever a.k.a. Chrissy "Ellwood" Kylap.
New age esoterocists and other vacant minds looking for explanations in a roundabout hippy-ass fashion have theorized that places in this earth have "auras" or "lines of force" that effect what goes on in those places over the course of human history. So the region now known as Deer Park say, 500 years ago when populated by the native Wampanoag's or whoever, probably was home to the gayest, most napolean complex having, TyP1nG lYKe dIS ayy hOmE1,E popping, getting fired from the post office, grease ball wop-ass Camaro driving reggaton producing adolescent man whore high-school wrestling burnout Wampanoag youths of any other region in all of Long Island. And mark my words, when the world floods in the next 50 years and mutant dolphin-people are living in the underwater landscape once known as Deer Park, those are gonna be the biggest asshole dolphin-people around.
Oh ephemeral moment among the millenia! Flicker Flash! Burn, burn burn!
mahfukkas wearing a vikings jersey. nuff said
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