Hey everybody, I just wanted to take a little time out to thank all the homies for being a part of the Lords of Apathy gang blog. Please feel free to leave us a little comment, or express any concerns, shout outs, or suggestions etc. Sorry for the lack of updates over the last couple of days, we've had to regulate on some fools trying to creep up on the set. Let's just say certain bitch-ass marks are gonna have to learn how to throw up their gang sign with their feet from now on... Shit is real like that in the O.C.
Representing for the LOA gangstas all across the world.
-Yours Truly,
Snickerdoodles McPoppycock Esquire LOA por vida
Has anyone noticed that Snickerdoodles has been looking a little... um... 'different' lately? I mean, I don't want to be a dick or anything but it sort of seems like he may have gotten a little 'work' done if you know what I mean.. I dont know, what do you guys think?
Click to see Snickerdoodles comparison
Rasclot corpse general. ya teeth be shine like the devil.
I put it like this my young marsupials, real niggas do real things, and gangsta cats wear gangsta hats, which is suffice to say, thugged out corpses hug on a drugged out porpise.
Got-damn it feels good to be a Blogsta. Chuuuuch.
By the way i just wasted an hour of my company's time trying to figure out how to post a pic on my profile. Fuck you very much Snickerdoodles. You and your rotting face. I'll blog you in hell.
word barry
i see you've gotten an all new hair do. what's next frosted tips and a pooka shell necklace? what ever happened to ironing your flat top in the morning? you need to stop livin' with the whites.
-stickey ickey a.k.a. stop hackin' me a.k.a big sploosh
Nah homie, I'm just growin' my shit out so I can hook up some cornrows. Plus, a lil' F.Y.I for yall; them aint bleached tips, that shit's natural -prolly from bein' out in the southern Cali sun blastin' on fools all day. L.O.A. all day errry day bitch.
That's real
move over seacrest
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