C'mon dude... Seriously, you're killing me with that shit. As if there weren't enough reasons to hate people talking on cell phones already, -here we fucking go again. Enough already. Nobody needs these things...-NOBODY!! -Well scratch that, If you're driving around drunk in an Escalade, wildly masturbating while watching pornos on a dashboard-mounted video screen, -you definately need one. But as far as the rest of you assholes are concerned...-no, no, NO!!! Not even you-the guy at the health food store who's always barefoot wearing cut-off Daisy Dukes and a Jeff Gordon t-shirt.-NO!! Nobody ever has a call so important that they couldn't just reach down and just grab their phone out of their gay little belt-clip hip holster thing.
The phone I don't mind so much, it's his pink turtleneck and crustache that really accentuates this guy's douchosity. For the sake of wanting to punch him in his mouth, I really hope he's wearing sweatpants and black loafers with no socks.
pink been over for a minute now.
pink went out with mullet jokes and turtle wax.
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