Britney Spears not to have her vagina flashing and K-Fed break-up be outdone by Anna Nicoles death AND the 7 potential fathers of Annas baby (one as you all know may be her OWN dead son) checks herself into rehab only to check herself out of rehab after a ONE day stay to shave her head bald and pop into a tattoo joint to get all inked back. im not too sure what any of this means and i dont know if i wanna know, but i DO hope that todays celebrities keep this shit up!! lookin' good Britt!!
AND NOW... The the winner of bad mother of the year goes to...
she is not bringing sexy back
"For all of you with an Uncle Fester fetish.. ta-da!!"
Britney Spears has made me never want to have sex ever again. Ever. She has taught me that first comes sex, then kids, then a divorce (or 2), then you start showing off your vagina around town and finally you end up shaved on both ends at a tattoo parlor in pearls.
Britney Spears- my birth control.
chef rykwon how do you know natalie portman and is it possible that she may one day want to join team here at thizz nation?
Yeah....I know Nat. We go back like car seats....in the backseat of my Jeep.
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