March 19, 2007

Hollar at a playa!

In a perfect world, this post would be all about how theres a remake of the movie "mannequin" in the works, but starring the pied piper of R & B. If you think about it, there could even be a tag line like "the king of r & B puts the man in mannequin!"

In reality though, it's about some harsh things myself and my drawings of harcore rappers have been caled this week:


"totally unresponsible"


"a disgrace"

So, needless to say, it's been a rough one. Good thing that the viedeo for "I'm a flirt" was leaked last week, because at the end, a phone number flashes on the screen. Not just any number, but a personal direct line to the man himself?
no, not really, more like a Mike Jones style self promotion for a new record, but the recording is hilarious, and you can leave a message to vent or in my case, some free no response psycological counceling. I highly suggest you, like me, purge your demons and give a call:

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