March 15, 2007



Anonymous said...

As much as I agree with Joey Crack here, I can't help but wonder if his grandstanding is directly related to another soon-to-be-failed presidential bid....

Politics aside, I always thought dude was a self-serving tool who hides his selfish career ambitions behind a strict party agenda and a lot of yelling. This is a guy who seemingly runs for president EVERY 4 YEARS! Talk about delusional- man has probably never finished better than 3rd in a fucking primary. Doushebags like this are ruining the democratic party by being men of rhetoric and no action. They are waaay more concerned with getting great soundbites on the news than truly being a vehicle for change in the political trenches. Yeah, REAL balsy, Mr.Biden- take a loud anti-war stance in 2007...REAL original. Funny- I didn't see him yelling quite as loud when it was a huge politcal gamble a couple years ago.

But hell, anytime you can 'lombardi slap' the Bush administation, I guess it's all good.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Yeah, for the most part I agree with you. A lot of this type of rhetoric is seeming like too little too late, but nonetheless, I am encouraged that somebody is finally saying what needs to be said. Honestly there are only a handfull of Demorcatic senators that I dont think are total pussies. Maybe this is because of the nature of a slow-moving system that supresses real people of principal from taking aggressive ploitical stands on these issues, -but that should not be an excuse. We need more people like Paul Wellstone (r.i.p) Russ Feingold, John Conyers, Tim Ryan etc. in there that are going to actually be willing to get their hands dirty with real issues, rather than just weighing every decision on how it will effect getting re-elected, -opposed to doing what is morally right.
It's sad that somehow those 2 things are assumed to be on opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm no cheerleader for the Democrats. They spend way too much time pandering to this imaginary 'swing voter' rather than making a strong case for the principals their party is supposed to stand for. They are sickeningly weak in that they cannot even manage to shed light on how corrupt and morally bankrupt the group of bloodsuckers in office are. The Republican agenda is taylor-made for the top 3% of the population economically-speaking...If they are incapable of rallying support for the remaining 97% then they need to completely overhaul their strategy.

RasTroy said...

woah, well said S.dot McPoppycock and
happy saint patty's day to you and all
of your Irish bredren out there.

Good points all around. The saddest story here, which is predicated on points already stated, i.e. tough talk, is, no ones gonna do shit or be able to do shit till '08, hence the grandstanding (political motivation noted). The fuck ups here are too large to fight face on. I mean pick one really. 9-11-01, Katrina, Abu Garab, The invasion of Iraq, privatization of healthcare, Harriet Miers, Alberto Gonzallez, Dick Cheney, hailaburton, the list is endless. If you were to seriously attack and or resolve and one of these scandals or errors, by the time you were able to prosecute or convict or overturn them George W. Bush, the WORST president ever, would already be out of office.

So it seems like tough talk and sideline standing is the only move for Democrats who cant wait for 2007 to die in its filthy grave.

Anonymous said...

Snick: Awesome.

Rasta: Irie. BO! BO! BO!

Hopefully there is someone who someday grow up and one day save the Democratic party by breathing some fresh air into America's cancer-ridden political lungs. The pathetic group of re-treads representing the party now scares me. Nothing but fish in a barrel for the republican super campaign machine. We need somebody with ideas AND a pulse. Somebody with charisma! Somebody with an Asian porn fettish! America is ready for a Snickerdoodles/Rastroy ticket in '08!