The largest of the Characins, the African Tigerfish is big, powerful, and well armed, thus making it among the worlds most sought after gamefish. It lives in the open rivers and streams of central and northern Africa. The impression one gets from viewing these fish, is one of awe, terror, and mystery, not unlike the feeling of watching a Great White Shark. This fish is basically an enlarged version of a Tetra. All of the fins are pointed, there is an adipose fin, the scales are large for a Characin, and the mouth and dentention are extremely well developed. The teeth are designed and look like knives. Each tooth fits in a socket between each tooth, allowing the teeth to mesh like cutting sheers. All teeth are seen all the time even when the mouth is completely shut. The entire body is sleek and designed for speed. Horizontal unbroken black bands run along the entire body, hence the name Tigerfish. The rest of the body is usually a silver-white-grey, however there is usually a metallic orange or yellow sheen. Many specimens have various blue to green pigmented scales. One of the most fearsome predators freshwater has ever known, the Tigerfish has a viscious reputation. These fish hunt in large packs, just as their South American counterparts, the Piranhas do. Prey consist primarily of other fish, but just about anything alive can fall prey to the Tigerfish. Like the Piranha, prey is eaten away bite by bite. Because they have razor sharp knife-like teeth, and extremely strong jaw muscles, they are among the few fish that can turn the tables on prey the same size or larger than themselves. There are unverified reports of attacks on humans.
BULLSHIT! i can tell a photoshop job when i see one. HOAX!!
and if you needed yet ANOTHER reason not to skinnidip in african waters.
im not even sure Africa exists to tell you the truth. it just might be another thing the media created to sell newspapers.
I want to make love to that fish .. The way I make love to my girlfriend all up in her mouth bayyyyybeeeeee !!!
You know an animal is fantastic when Internet simpletons profess expertise they don't have as proof of it's nonexistence. What a crazy fish! I'd love to catch one.
this is not a lie. i lived in zimbawe till i was 12 years old and i have caught and been bitten by these fish. the only place in zimbabwe to catch them is kariba dam or the zambezi river. what an experience to fight an 11 pounder for 45 minutes.
Its real.
there is moar to read here;
including moar pics, for it would be useless without pics.
"Anonymous chestica said...
BULLSHIT! i can tell a photoshop job when i see one. HOAX!!
April 6, 2007 3:20 PM"
Best not give up your day job then dumbass.
Just watched a program on animal planet - monster fish of the congo
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