August 23, 2007

Tattoo idea?

i've kinda had the itch to get some new ink.
came across this photo on the web, the female reproductive system is pretty rad looking but i dunno if it would really work that good for me personally, mostly cus i have a penis (and its HUGE, trust me... MASSIVE). but still, its a pretty bangin' tattoo, its in my top 10 pending ideas right now for sure.


Anonymous said...

I prefer this one http://www.mypix.ru/mypix/pix/1186220178_mypix_ru.jpg

C-Rocka said...

Why on earth would you put that on yourself?


Phonejaxx A.K.A. Black Squirrel Alliance said...

Great, everything's going well, she's at the crib, you take off her pants, and BAM! - Uterus Illustration tattoo!!
If that doesn't either make you put on a condom instantly or make a complete U-Turn, you are a lunatic.
Maybe it's a new form of birth control.

Anonymous said...

Look at this bitch take off his pants:

Anonymous said...

looks like btitt's chewed up taco.....

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

super uncool