Man, I wish rock & roll was still this good...-Instead of all these indie fruitcakes running around seeing who can grow a shittier haircut. Van Halen (Not Van Hagar)
"Okay, let me ask you a question: who's side did you take in the big David Lee Roth-Van Halen split?" "What?" "Whose side did you take: Halen or Roth?" "...Van Halen?" "HE'S A COP!"
"Okay, let me ask you a question: who's side did you take in the big David Lee Roth-Van Halen split?"
"Whose side did you take: Halen or Roth?"
"...Van Halen?"
Who's a cop? Eddie Van Halen? Or Alex?
-oh yeah? -What about the song 'Ay Bay-Bay' !??
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