September 25, 2007

Tucker Gerrick, KING of all media

ol' T Gerrick, keeps breaking it off again and AGAIN and AGAIN... fuck. i would love to tell you "it dosnt get better than this portrait of Soleil Moon Frye as "Punky Brewster", but after a little email from Tucker, i know for a FACT it does, but we are gonna start with Punky for now.
i know this goes against the "HEAD SHOT" style of this series of portraits, but i would have really loved to see a pre breast reduction portrait of Soleil circa 1991... but thats just me.


Anonymous said...

bring on the BIG boobs!

Anonymous said...

let us see that full body Punky drawing

Anonymous said...

i wonder what Henry or Brandon would have to say about this drawing?

typoscura said...

full body punky drawing coming '09. It's gonna take that long to get all that chest in there.