I thought I'd get some exercise and walk over to Trader Joe's to get some dinner. On the way there I encountered about the 27th dipshit hipster of the day who felt it necessary to walk around flaunting the fact that he's trying to choke the b'Jesus out of his balls via his denim leotard jeans. At this point I've resigned myself to not understanding, nor having the will to try to understand this god-awful trend; however, holmes had to go and up the ante on me, forcing me to re-get-angry all over again. MANOREXIA... Motherfucking manorexia. This motherfucker looked like he just escaped from some Newport Beach concentration camp for bored trust fund kids, spastically pushing down the street on some kind of ironically tiny skateboard. I don't know what the deal is, but I seriously think that these hipsters are starving themselves specifically so that they can squeeze themselves into their gay little leggings. STOPPIT ALREADY!! Let's all come back within some reasonable parameters of tayloring. You're not a ballerina or a figure skater; -It's time to let your balls breathe again and start acting like some non-bitches.
Sounds like some one is getting fat. What would Freud say about this rant?
What would Freud say about your immediate response to it? Besides, I think some denim leggings look equally as bad on a fat dude as a manorexic dude. I wasn't naming names; it was just an observation... If you want, you can post a scathing rebuttal to this post about somewhat overweight people wearing nornal-fitting clothing. Then we'll be even.
I think the worst part of this whole fad is how it's effecting the kids. I saw some dudes in my neighborhood that couldn't have been more than 14 rocking that look.
I don't want the circus tent jeans to come back or anything, but shit's fucked up when 14 year old boys think it's cool to shop in the girls department.
The ball hugging pant is equally as lame as the "hip hop hooray" baggy pant. I thought "somewhat overweight" people dissing skinny people was just for insecure girls, come to find out it is not.
Can we at least step it up and try to end the look of shirts that expose a bare mid drift? I am sure everyone can agree that this is a far bigger problem.
On a final note, don't you work somewhere that floods the market with this stretch Denim trash that you are speaking about?
what's funnier is the chubby hipsters who wear the tight shit.....looks even [wronger]
Insecurity is totally for girls... However my comment wasn't rooted in security. It was based on my lack of compassion for anorexia, and my incomprehension of a style that requires you spray down your legs with astroglide in order to fit into your pants. Label me practical, but I just kinda think that people need to eat, and you should be able to put on pants without the use of lubrication.
I reserve the same level of irritation for morbidly obese people stuffing their faces with McDonalds who demand that society should grade beauty on a curve in order to compensate for their lack of motivation to eat healthy or exercise. I'm an equal opportunity hater.
S-Dot- bringin' the fine art of hating back.
Hell yeah.
yeah, mantyhose get the thumbs down.
i worked in a skate shop for too long n when the corey duffel pants came out the best thing i ever heard was a mom telling her son no to some skinny jeans cause "those pants are like a cheap hotel with no ball room"...best mom quote ever...i dont know how they wear em..i even got a pussy n tight jeans are still uncomfortable..
Dude, your words were patriotic and moving...I'm sorry I spoke so harshly about shinny jeans and hipsters. You're right, I've finally seen the light and I think I might even go pick up a pair of mantyhose jeans as a sign of solidarity with you and my newfound libertarian perspective on things...
I like Ron Paul's views on foreign and domestic policy, but is he pro-skinny jeans too?
go on n wear yer tight pants then..it shows us ladies how small yer dicks are anyway..
Ron Paul wears the tightest pants of them all. Women who care about dick size can't spell. And yes people who call themselves hipsters are making fun of themselves. I think I'm going to start wearing Wranglers, because thats what Favre wears.
Blame Bape, Williamsburg, Pharrell and Interpol for your troubles pat'nah, the kids dont know any better.
Not Interpol...
you guys are ALL assholes.
people can wear what they want, right.
i think snickers is a bad person and he makes me sad.
i wear medium fitting jeans and i look just perfect in them but i think hipsters should have the right NOT to be hated on by jag-offs who are missing their bottom jaw.
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