May 19, 2008


This video doesn't even touch on him recently voting against funding for veterans benefits for the troops currently fighting in Iraq and Afganistan. I guess he figures all of them can follow in his footsteps when (/IF) they return home from the war and get married to an heiress from a fabulously wealthy family. (-if need be, divorce their exisiting non-heiress wives). That way you won't be a financial burden on the government who sent you overseas to get your legs blown off, in order to make his draft-dodging war-profiteering pals G.W. and Cheney lots of money. Just have your new wife's family bankroll your senate campaign and once elected, continue the cycle of shitting on veterans from all of the future wars McCain would eagerly like to start.


Anonymous said...

I sent this to two republicans I know, my friend and my conservative asshole roommate. My friend refused to watch it. And my roommate watched about ten seconds of it, and shut it off, and claimed that he could dig up shit on obama. I told him to, but he said he doesnt want to waste his time doing it, n then he mentioned Revered Wright. Whats wrong with Republicans being so desperate and lowly to use guilt by associate to attack presidential candidates? Mccain contradicts himself repeatedly, and these 2 people I know still want to vote for him. I know there are a lot of stupid people out there, but cumon! Hava good one loa.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

I think I figured out why your friend and your roommate are Republicans and are voting for McCain.
They are heirs to an oil fortune and they are the owner of a company that gets multi-million dollar contracts from the government to supply military with weapons to kill people in an illegitimate illegal undeclared 'war'... Either that or they are willfully ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? All I wanna know is if the LOA crew things Meghan McCain is a chud or not!!!

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

She's unabashedly sub-Chud.

Anonymous said...

im moving to san francisco in about a month so i have been collecting right wing t-shirts to rock in the city..some of my favorites so far are "Reagan in '80", an Anne Coulter gem that has her face huge on the front, and a Che shirt that says "brought to you by capitalism"..i need a good "Real McCain" shirt..and thank god im a non-voting felon cuz fuck mccain AND obama