June 4, 2008


To me, continuing with this small-minded, primitive, ban on gay people getting married is the equivalent to a law saying only straight people can legally hit each other in the genitals with a sledgehammer.... Who the fuck cares who someone decides to get married to? -It doesn't make one ounce of difference in your life unless you've decided that you and your archaic religion are going to be the arbiter of virtue for all humanity. You don't have to like it or participate in it, just please shut the fuck up about it and carry on with your stupid life. Gay people should have every right to be legally and contractually bound to the same useless, lazy, golddigging, trifling piece of shit, 'til death do us part', as any straight person. -AMEN!


Jersey Joe said...

Back on the grind, huh Snick?

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Back on my grizzly son!

Anonymous said...

Anyone see McCain jacking Obama already?
His trying to steal his "Change" message and even going so far as ripping off his logo design and fonts.

Peep: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/06/04/mccain-rips-off-obamas-sl_n_105266.html

Sidenote: Peep John's yellow teeth on his photo. Brush your teeth Senator!