September 14, 2008


Leave it to the Dishonest Republicans to feign outrage over something they know is a bullshit assertion in the first place. As if this even warrants clarification; Obama wasn't referring to Sarah Palin when he said his "You can put lipstick on a pig" comment; He was referring to McCain's policies. Although If I was Obama, I would have more artfully chosen to say "You can put lipstick on a pig, and her pregnant teenaged daughter, but they're still pigs". - After that, I would then publicly apologise to actual pigs for comparing them to Sarah Palin and her daughter. Fuck those bitches.


nilesheckman@gmail.com said...

When your conservative ideology is as dead as Latin, you don't have any new ideas, all your beliefs are counter to facts, and the people aren't on your side, then all you have left is to lie and personal attack the other side.

How much worse does it have to get before low info voters and extremely religious people STOP VOTING REPUBLICAN?!?

Unknown said...


hacksaw jim chuggins said...

i want to see biden take a swing at mccain

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Either that or just sneak up behind him and yell "BOO!" real loud in his ear so that he has a heart attack and dies... -That'd be funnier.