October 20, 2009



nich said...

take it from someone who grew up in a country with universal health care and who now lives in the us. the right and the teabaggers are flat-out lying whenever...well, basically whenever their mouths are open. anyone who says universal health care is a bad thing doesn't have 2 braincells to rub together or are on the payroll of a private insurance company or lobbyist

Anonymous said...

is listening to saber talk about healthcare similar to listening to ja rule talk about 9-11?

nich said...

"all those european countries that hav univerasal care are going broke"

first of all, that's the most generalized load of shit i've ever heard. give us some numbers, examples of how their "going broke" has to do solely with their medical costs.

second, how exactly is the usa NOT financially fucked right now? you think everyone's crapping $100 bills?

"england is pretty much a welfare state now"

again, please, give us an example. just one.

Anonymous said...

Interesting video, coming from someone who has had plenty of medical care paid for by taxpayers(i.e. county). I don't support outrageous profits by pharm-ocorporations. However, health care is no more a "right" than is driving a car. If you choose to treat yourself like shit, why should society(me & you) be legally obligated to pick up the tab. Healthcare needs serious reform & EVERYONE needs to get responsible for the situation. Start by not using the E.R. for bullshit, like a hangnail or as a regular doctor visit. Also, keep in mind that one major reason healthcare is so expensive is to cover the cost of people who don't pay their bill. This is particularly true in county hospitals. If I suffer some illness from abusing myself, it'll be great if the health care system can treat my ailment, but it's not societies responsibility to do so.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

I think that an affordable accessible healthcare should be one of the main pillars of a civilized society. A sick kid who's parents are broke shouldn't suffer just because of he didn't get born into a more affluent family. You can always site examples of people who you think 'take advantage of' the system but statistically speaking, the majority of people out there are more than willing to do whatever it takes to take care of their family.

If there's at all a valid point in what you're saying it should be within the context of some alternate reality where our government hadn't sold us out to corporations who sell us both the sickness and the prescription for it. I think the government's primary goal should be to provide a basic foundation for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, not create an ideal scenario for health industry profiteering.

bastion of suffering said...

Completely off topic but did anyone see 60 min sunday about medicare fraud in south beach...?

Anonymous said...

Take it from an econ major who actually knows wtf he is talking about. There is only so much "healthcare" to go around ie: medicine, skilled professionals, capital(imaging machines, labs etc). Now when we have x amount of americans nedding healthcare and y amount of healthcare, things are peachy. That is if everyone can be covered. But the reality of the situation is that there are not enough resources to go around. This is not only for medicine but with ANY AND ALL goods or services within an economy.

So at this point the Government, NOT YOU AND I will be responsible for delegating those available resources. THE GOVT GETS TO CHOOSE WHO WILL RECIEVE WHAT CARE. Hence the creation of Death panels and such. Just because niggerbama says those are false...you actually believe hIM? wtf else has he actually followed through on?

So now that we have a basic understand of economics and the fact that HEALTHCARE IS SCARCE(insufficient to satisfy the need of demand) along with every single other resource...will someone with a brain please try and tell me how science(econ)can be wrong. Its simple math and I wish more brilliant people would speak there mind rather than utter the complete bullshit stated above.

Thank you for your time

and fucking try and read about canada's system or englands system...There is a reason that canadians come across the border for any life saving operation- because the govt puts them on a waiting period in which it becomes more cost effective to let the person wait and see if he dies. I have 1st hand experience with both so fuck off unless you have a worthy response and half a brain