November 6, 2009


To the people who are constantly tripping about Obama taking away your freedom (and shockingly weren't during Bush's presidency), here's a bit of advice; -If you want to avoid looking like even more of a stupid fucking hypocrite asshole, quit shitting on other peoples' rights. If you're against gay marriage, -don't marry a gay person. It's really, really simple. Do your thing, practice your religion, have your beliefs, marry who you want to marry, and let other people do the same. You can't be all about your own freedom and then turn around and hate on somebody else's. That's insanity.


Anonymous said...


hacksaw jim chuggins said...

often the staunchest right-wing opponents of gay-marriage or gay-rights are flamingly gay themselves. i.e ted haggart or larry craig.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to turn you on to something, so i'm just doing it here. Cuz I know you like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0

Erik said...

I don't know how to turn you on to something, so i'm just doing it here. Cuz I know you like: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0

Luke P. said...

First, marriage isn't a "right". It's something that everybody needs to get permission from the government to proceed with ( a license). My argument is that, if you're going to say, ok, marriage— something that's always been understood to mean a very specific kind of social/religious union ( to "marry" opposites)— is now going to mean whatever the individual decides it's going to mean and there's no authority or standard to measure it against, then there really is no reason for government to be involved in marriage at all. We can all just create contracts and call it "marriage" if we want to. There will no longer be any sort of tax incentive to get married, nor will private groups be allowed, under civil law, to make any kind of distinctions re: marriage status of employees, customers, patients, etc..
As it stands, the pro gay marriage lobby , who represent the %2 of the %6 ( gays who want to marry), are not arguing that. They're arguing that we, from every civic institution on down to the classroom, need to redefine marriage.
Marriage isn't something that governments invented. It's a form of tradition meant to pass property along and to promote making babies within a given lineage. Governments responded to this tradition throughout the West by codifying it into law, and by taking a bite in the form of license fees.You can't simply manipulate or coerce the public to accept the redefinition on offer. Social engineering like that almost never works.
You have to say a) either marriage is whatever you want it to be, government isn't involved, and people are free to recognize it as marriage or totally reject it. Or b) It's a standard set by tradition; if gay people start presenting themselves as married, maybe way down the road it will be accepted as a part of that tradition and government will respond.
You can't just throw a fit and demand everyone change their minds.