Whats the deal with Chris Brown and all of this “graffiti” buisness? -You’d think if you wanted to call your album “Graffiti” one would at least have the common sense to hire a actual graffiti writer to do the album cover… And the necklace!!! -Holy guacomole that shit is a tragedy playboy!!! Does Jacob do returns/exchanges? If he gives you a hard time plea temporary insanity… -Ive been doing graffiti for 20 years and i wouldnt be caught anywhere under any circumstances wearing that embarrassing monstrosity.
Holler at Revok's blog, there's always some good stuff going on there
i guess calling the album "graffiti" is better than calling it "toy" or "homo." i think wearing that chain is part of his sentence from the rihanna beating. nothing else would make sense.
she probably made fun of this fuckin retard for thinking of something so "authentic" and he mopped her up in the car for it.someone needs to beat him with a can of "beat" till the balls dont rattle.
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