Just when you think you've seen the most fucked thing ever. BLAAAM BLAAAM!!- Child pageants y'all! This shit is beyond sick. Believe me; I go out of my way to see sick shit all the time and this stuff takes the freaking cake. I saw a documentary on the IFC channel the other day and man; -whatever faith I had in mankind completely flew out the window. Now, I'm no child psychologist or anything, but I somehow get the sneaking suspicion that entering

your kid in a pageant for who's "the most beautiful" isn't the best thing for a 4-year old's self esteem. -I mean it'd be fine for me because my kid is adorable and she would easily crush everybody elses' booger-bear-ass gargoyle mutant-ass kids...-but that's besides the point.The point is... I dont know, this stuff just seems wrong.-In every sense of the word 'wrong'. Coked out white trash moms pinning all their hopes and dreams on

wether or not little Brittany does her tap-dancing "Wake me up before you go-go" routine flawlessly. This one mom said she spent over 70 thousand dollars in one year enteing her 5-year old daughter in pageants. -But I bet during the time she's not working her 3 jobs to pay for all that she's a really good mom. The sheer desperation in her eyes as the judges called out the winners was a tragedy of epic proportions.
Gross. Welcome to the Republican party.
these kids need something to do before kindergarten, not to mention this prepares them for life
good point anonymous, I guess I never though of it that way... damn.
Uhhhh is that third photo of an actual living human being?
At one point.. -Yes. Under many laters of makeup, airbrushing and photoshop. Completely creepy and disturbing. And that's saying a lot coming from me.
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