If I had one ounce of human compassion to spare on her, I'd respectfully encourage Mary Cheney to get some psychological help. However, considering she is the fruit of Vice President Dick Cheney's festering loins, I couldn't care less if he took her out back, behind the White House rosegarden, and shot her in her strikingly mannish face (Like a captive quail, just released from it's cage, or one of his good friends). The thing about her that's so tragically pathetic is the fact that she actively campaigned for the Republican party during the 2004 election. Now if we were talking typical run-of-the-mill politics, we could maybe have a debate about this. However, The afore mentioned party, in this particular instance, used the non-issue-turned-political wedge issue of 'gay marriage' and went out of their way to resoundingly / wholeheartedly take a steaming shit on her sexuality. In case you didn't know already, or are reading this on a braile computer, Mary Cheney is an overwhelming and unabashed lesbian;-and to that I say "More power to you; Do your thing". If I was a girl I'd want to be a flaming lesbo too. Granted, I'd try to date way hotter chicks than she does, but hey, to each their own... My point is, why on earth is she backing this crew that's making what she does in the privacy of her own butch bedroom, the centerpiece if their corrupt rigged re-election? I'm not saying don't love your fucked up father, I mean after all, that motherfucker's got bank.- I'm talking long-ass Halliburton dollars. And sooner or later he's gonna kick the bucket and you're gonna be diving in loot like Scrooge McDuck if you play your cards... -Especially with those ammendments to the estate tax your dad and Bush rammed through...-WOOOOO WEEEEE! You'll be so paid you'll be chillin' on a boat with Jay-Z in the caribbean somewhere, betting $10,000 hands on guts. I'm not mad at that at all, but my point is, I dont think you've gotta sell out your gay peoples to make this happen. Send him a card on father's day, watch football and drink beers with him on Sundays... you know, just bond with that motherfucker. -You'll get your dough. But but aligning yourself with the gay-hating neo-con legion of doom, -you my lesbian friend are the solitaire champion- YOU PLAYED YOURSELF.
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