Josh from the Allied Jacuzzi Nation gang just put me up on this luke-warm piece of fluff non-news. Forgive me for my cynicism, but this seems like some kind of weak attempt to offset all of the recent 'DaVinci Code' hoopla. Start counting down the hours before this is the lead story on the 'O'Reilly Factor'. The thing that bugs me the most about this is that it's clearly not the face of Jesus, but rather the face of Val Kilmer playing Jim Morrison in the 'Doors' movie. It's like every time people are hollering all this "Jesus this"..."Jesus that" ... "I saw Jesus in this pile of puke in an alley..." -and I'm all "Dude; that's totally Val Kilmer". Why would jesus want to appear in a pile of puke? He's the son of god for Christ's sake..."-Literally. I dunno, fucking judge the story for yourself:

A gardener had a revelation when he dug up his asparagus plant and saw the face of Jesus.Martin Gregory was enjoying his Sunday morning gardening when he noticed something quite different about one of his asparagus ferns he removed from a pot.As the 52-year-old laid the 30-inch plant on the grass the sun shone down on the roots and revealed the face of Jesus to him.The part-time mosaic tutor said: "I thought Good gracious! It's the face of Jesus. "It's the most weird thing I have ever seen. "The roots are fantastic. You can actually make out a thorn crown around his head, his eyes and nose. "I've heard about Mother Theresa's face being seen in a bagel but I thought this was much better." Belvedere resident Mr Gregory removed the plant from his pot, which had been in the garden for 10 years, because he thought it was dying. He believed the Christ-like image was caused by the roots being pressed against the stones in the plant pot causing the unusual indentations. He added: "It looked so much like His face it took my breath away. "It has not made me religious. But it could be something supernatural linked to the abbey ruins opposite. "We don't know what's in the ground." Father David Sherratt, of St Michael and All Angels Church, Abbey Wood Road, Abbey Wood, said: "I have often heard of people seeing things. God may want Mr Gregory to interpret what he saw in the plant as a sign."
1978: Maria Rubio made a burnt tortilla, which resembled the mournful face of Jesus Christ. 8,000 curious pilgrims treked to her house in rural New Mexico to view the sacred icon.
1981: Christ appears, crucified on a garage door in California, caused by reflections from two street lights that had merged with shadows of a bush and a real-estate sign.
1987: Jesus appears on the chimney of a suburban bowling alley in Chicago. The four-foot image is formed from rusting metal.
1989: Thousands flocked to a home in north-east Harris County, Texas, to view a linoleum table top reflecting the image of Jesus.
1991: Jesus made national news as the centerpiece of a Pizza Hut billboard in Atlanta. The image of Jesus' face was found in strands of spaghetti hanging from a fork.
"I've heard about Mother Theresa's face being seen in a bagel...
It was a cinnamon bun you dicknose jesus humper. get it right.
dude that aint hey-suess, it's jim henson. who is way more god-like to me.
yeah it also kinda looks like that giant trash heap from "fraggle rock."
Total crock of jesus.
blessed pancakes
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