Alright, it's time to strap on your rap thinking caps once again for another red-hot round of rap pictograms. Last week, Letta literally and figuratively 'clowned' y'all and took the first round in convincing fashion. Let's see who's thug enough to take this week's challenge and inch closer to the coveted, first ever, RAP PICTOGRAM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!!! As stated in last week's competition, the first person to correctly answer 3 Rap Pictograms can legitimately claim the title of 'International Grand Imperial Wizard of Rap Pictograms'. Not only that but you will receive some ILL PRIZES, including a Burlesque Design exclusive R. Kelly 'PISS' T-Shirt (see towards the bottom of the blog), as well as several other fabulous goodies!!! Trust me on this one, -you will get hooked the fuck up...-I'm talking literally LACED with merchandise. -DONT SLEEP!!!

Since, in my opinion, last weeks pictogram was kinda easy, I'm going to set this one off without giving you any clues other than: This scene depicts a few lines from a west coast rapper that you all have heard of. As time goes on, I will provide you with more hints if necessary. But seriously, if you're on top of your rap, this should be a cakewalk. YOU MUST CORRECTLY NAME THE RAPPER, THE LYRIC THAT IS DEPICTED ABOVE, THE NAME OF THE SONG IT'S FROM, AND THE NAME OF THE ALBUM IT'S ON. Good luck...-LET'S GET IT ON!! (post answers in 'comments' below. -leave your name in case you get it right)
haha - i know the answer, only cause this is fully-fleshed out version of a t-shirt idea you had. so it'd kinda be cheating if i answered... very nice work though. M
should i leave a partial guess? i know the artist and one line of the lyric though i'm guessing the rest of it all makes sense in context, but as tempted as i am to google like crazy, i feel that would be an improper use of my title as first round winner.
OH SHIT!! My boy Senator John- 'the Maverick' McCain just stopped by the L.O.A!!! I'm glad you were able to take a break from speaking at Liberty 'University' and kicking it with your homie Jerry Falwell, and sucking up to other "Agents of intolerance" from the far right. It's an honor to have you with us senator. Welcome...
Hint to Letta,- I think that you are originally on the same wrong track as Mike was.
So wait, there are people who are not The Game who have The Game lyrics memorized? Weird.
Not memorized. I remembered the "cousin named Jason who wore the gary payton" line. Then I played it to get the rest.
Nasty Raps
DAMN!!!!! MR. NASTY RAPS COMING THROUGH IN THE CLUTCH! Your performance in this round of Rap Pictograms was nothing short of Jordan-esque! It's that competitive spirit and killer instinct that will take you deep into this competition. Plus I like the confident swagger you bring to the game. This should serve as a warning to a you half-steppin' rap pictogrammers out there, -BRING YO 'A' GAME TO THIS COURT BITCHES!! -(That means you Mike).
So yeah, a little re-cap here. Letta took the first round, and Mr. Nasty Raps throwing down the hellafied gauntlet in round 2 to even the score. the rest of you out there in the rap bloggosphere need to regroup and step your shit up. There may ba a possible round 3 post coming as early as this weekend, so stay tuned!!
well Letta, all I can say is something about horseshoes and hand grenades? -Some kind of saying appropriate to you blowing it and not pulling the trigger on this round. You snooze you lose. You think Karl Rove waits around until congress make laws legalizing his crooked-ass agenda? -HAIIIL NAW!! You gotta get up, get out and get something...You can't spend all your time trying to get high.
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