I believe that children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be Esteemed colleague and fellow L.O.A. Gangsta, Mike "The 2600 King" Davis submitted this graphic interpretation of his comments on this controvercial post (read below)...-Good lookin' holmes.
Actually, his fingers are so chubby they're basically frankfurters, so i'm gonna go with Frankfurter for the typeface... Maybe even Frankfurter Highlight cause of all the junk food glistening and gleaming off his grubby hands.
I just gave myself a migrane headache trying not to laugh out loud (or LOL) at work. The verdict is..... -FRANKFURTER HIGHLIGHT -guilty as charged. The defendant is sentenced to life without the possibility of, getting laid, finishing highschool, or ever getting a job outside of the fast food industry.
that kids fingers are too chubby to do a proper WESTSIDE. his W is like in Helvetica Black with a 4 pt. stroke.
I'd have to agree with you on this one except I'd say the font would be more like Arial black than Helvetica black.
Actually, his fingers are so chubby they're basically frankfurters, so i'm gonna go with Frankfurter for the typeface... Maybe even Frankfurter Highlight cause of all the junk food glistening and gleaming off his grubby hands.
I just gave myself a migrane headache trying not to laugh out loud (or LOL) at work. The verdict is.....
-FRANKFURTER HIGHLIGHT -guilty as charged. The defendant is sentenced to life without the possibility of, getting laid, finishing highschool, or ever getting a job outside of the fast food industry.
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