I can pretty much interchange Tylenol PM and pot brownies for the #1 spot of the 2 kinds of drugs I partake in, given my mood or what I need to get accomplished the following day. But GOT-damn, if I had my way, every night would end with me drifting off to comasville on the Tylenol PM express. That shit is off the proverbial chain.
that shit sounds bomb! ima hook that down and do like 6-7 of em.
I've always been more of a 'Nyquil guy', myself.(cherry flav...mmmmm) But seriously though, cancel your plans for about 16 hours because you WILL be effectively dead to the world. Unless...you master the dayquil-nyquil balance.
You should try tramadol. It's a prescribed as a severe pain reliever for after surgery. Somewhat like vicodin, but most find it better as you're more functionable.
trams > Tylenol
pure piff.
Naw son, you gotta keep that shit natural.
Try the Triple Sec & Tapioca Rumbler from Chili's next time you're out with the office pool; Trish in sales will be all up ons faster'n you can say "where I'm at?".
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