As always, Lords of Apathy remains committed to supplying you with all the important 'need-to-know' information thats going on out there; as well as keeping you up-to-date on hot asian girls. It was suggested by one of our regular guests, 'freightman', in a recent post, that I somehow had a problem showcasing girls with gigantic asses. As many of you can imagine, this is about as absurd a notion as can be imagined. It's like; you show a video of a girl taking a shower in a black bikini, -she doesn't exactly have the greatest ass in the world, -and all of a sudden I'm made out to be Joseph Goebbels up in this bitch... Jeezus... -Gimme a goddamned break already
is that even legal?
This wasn't my objective, but I knew it was coming. Thank you.
Bitch got back--definitely has to be half black, half filipino. holler at the ghetto booty.
Yes. This is like the physical embodiment of a Trina song. Nann hoes up!!
excuse me hun don't mean no harm turn around again...gat damn backyard is bangin like a benzy.
Ass injections.
yo what is this hoes name???
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