April 23, 2007


MAN, am I tired of hearing about this dude. How many different ways are they going to try to fluff up this story by interviewing the dude who sat next to him at a Cubs game once, or the guy who almost applied to Virgina Tech, but then decided to go to Graham Bible College instead.
Seriously though... To every conservative propagandist out there; SHUT THE FUCK UP about 'liberals' being to blame for the Virginia Tech Massacre. WHAT??? I dont care if homeboy was wearing an Al Gore throwback New Era cap at the time of the shootings; -That dude was completely out of his gourd. -PERIOD. Liberal or Conservative politics had nothing to do with it!! Jesus Fucking Christ already... Let's assign political decrees to things that actually have something to do with politics! When you attribute a psychopath shooting up a bunch of college kids, to liberals not wanting prayer in schools, or not wanting everyone on campus to be packing firearms, you sound really REALLY stupid. Seriously; -like 'I voted for George W Bush twice' stupid. Opportunistically trying to spin a national tragedy into a rallying cry to the gun owning NRA nuts, Anti-immigrationists , and Republican voters who base all of their political decisions on one issue, -to the exclusion of 20 other more pressing ones; -That shit is sub-human; possibly even sub-mammal.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, here goes, I like to fart on my cat. She'll just be sitting there minding her own business, thinking her kitty thoughts, and then BAM! I lean over and drop a little knowledge on her face. She then closes her eyes a bit and makes this cute little pew, that stunk a little face then goes back into chill mode. I wonder if Cho Seung-Hui-chang-ching-vang-vong got farted on alot when he was a child and took it to seriously and then shot people. The lesson here is farting on cats is acceptable, but don't fart on people, they might shoot you.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Well said. Thanks for your insightful comments.

Anonymous said...

What's funny is how Siuth Korea is bummed as if it were the fault of Koreans..or maybe they're scared Bush will attack them in retaliation.....

Anonymous said...

I fart on my dogs face all the time and he's a pitbull and he never gets pissed. As far as I can tell anyway... He did put his balls in my face when I was sleeping though....

Anonymous said...

Dogs don't give a fuck either. They take it in stride.