September 20, 2007


Attention Lords of Apathy contributors! Your boy S-Dot's gotta handle some biznazz south of the border for the next week or so; so lets show the world what being an L.O.A.O.G. is all about y'all... As you already know, our blog-hands are just as strong, if not stronger, than our pimp-hands. Let's come correct and keep the C.H.U.D.s in check while I'm gone. -And if I get kidnapped, and held for ransom -like in that movie 'Man on Fire' , send some fucking money por favor (I'll let you know). Otherwise, Lets keep this thing poppin' while I'm away trying to do the horizontile 'Soulja Boy' with some fine young Mexican Senioritas. Thanks Amigos; talk soon.
Sincerely, your brother in Christ,

Snickerdoodles Esquire


Nick said...

What are C.H.U.D.S?

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Canniballistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers... C.H.U.Ds AKA Raggedy-ass hoes. That's funny, I was kinda thinking that the 'Horizontile Soulja Boy' would have thrown you for more of a loop than 'C.H.U.D'; but then again we've got some pretty savy readers.

abd said...

Fuck. My life is going to be in shambles for the next week, Snick. Hurry back.

RasTroy said...

say what up to dakota fanning. i hear she got D's now.

RasTroy said...
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typoscura said...

I'll just forward all inquiries to T.H.L.A.T.