This particular post has been a long time in the making. We saw shades of it surface in T.H.L.A.T's "
Is Scary Spice Hot?" post from a few weeks back. The main obstacle in it fully coming to fruition has been coming up with a proper title for it. For the time being, I'm gonna run with "THE LADY CHUDDERLY CHALLENGE" but if you have any better ideas, holler. Basically, this is a audience participation post; -You need to dredge the deepest, darkest, most filthy recesses of your minds and come up with the most questionable chicks (or dudes,-(ladies/ gaylords)) you have actively thought about wanting to take back to the old 'bone chamber'. I'm talking famous people or people we've heard of / seen before. And when I say "questionable" I mean, some shit that you'd be borderline embarrassed even admitting. Let's do this! post your top 3 "Lady Chudderlies" in the comments section below! (feel free to include a brief explainantion if one is even possible)
too bad we can't HTML photo comment in this piece.
Lets see... hmmm.
John Travota dressed like a fat chick in Hairspray.
Miss Piggy
Pamela Hep Cee Anderson
Grand-MaMa (L J the first),
that big broad in PM Dawn,
set adrift on memory blisss...
1. (dayyymmnn) Gina (marrrtinnn)
2. katie kouric
3. leslie visser / bonnie bernstein
1. America Ferrera (The 'Ugly Betty actress) That's a big fine latina woman... when she's not in her U.B. getup, she cleans up pretty good. I'd definately throw that in 23 positions in a one nite stand.
2. Connie Chung (circa 10 or 15 years ago) I'd have boned a 40-45 year-old Connie Chung solely on the merits of how hot she was when she was in college. I saw a picture of her when she was young...-Bangin son. Even as an oldie, shes a good lookin' woman.
3. Uhhhh... It pains me to even say this; but I'd seriously go berzerker on (Fox news' wannabe Ann Coulter) Michelle Malkin's fine ass. Ordinarily she wouldn't even qualify for the Lady Chudderly list because she's actually hot. But the fact that she's such an incredibly vile human being actually brings her down to the C.H.U.D.-zone. Either way,I'd seriously fuck her; -in a major way...(And then I'd piss all over her while she was sleeping)
and this isnt a joke...
1. Ricki Lake
2. Cathy Lee Gifford
3. Kirstie Alley
unfortunately this list works for me anywhere from today, all the way back to about the mid 80s.
I have had a thing for Kristie Ally ever since Look Whose Talking!
I'm also down for Jo from Facts of Life, The wife from King of Queens, and Angela from Whose the boss!
-Whoomp there it is!! - You GO boy!!!
Who's next!!?? Come with it y'all!
these arnt as hard to admit as my last 3, but still...
1. Jennifer Tilly
2. Sara Rue
3. Dolly Parton
well, I'll give you credit for Sarah Rue, but get the fuck outta here with those other two... Jennifer Tilly!!?? thats a no-brainer! -She's not even remotely in the C.H.U.D. zone. And Dolly... -I'm not even going to dignify that one with a response. This forum is for C.H.U.D.s only!! -Wisen up T.H.L.A.T.!! Lets take this seriously for christ sake!
Topanga (Boy Meets World).
Queen Latifah.
Diane Sawyer.
-bjork, preferrably from like 10 years ago--she'd probably try to thread some beads through my junkskin, but her craziness/potential down syndromishness just touches me in all the right places. Check the Possibly Maybe video for the realness.
-lady miss kier, present day--she is not looking good. At all. But damn, carryover points.
-Laura Bush.
torri spelling
the pepsi girl in like 6 years
six from blossom.
**anal sex wild card/punishment treatment:
Frances Townsend
I'd make Kimmy Gibbler a cummy gobbler...
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