October 10, 2007


Hear Ye Hear Ye... Brothers and Sisters of Lords of Apathy, tis upon this day that I proclaim a new addition to my C.H.U.D list for the 'Lady Chudderly Challenge' post from a few weeks ago. Maybe she doesn't exactly qualify as a true C.H.U.D. -considering that I actually think she's hot. -But I could be wrong. -I've debated this at length with T.H.L.A.T (-who thinks she's gross) in the past, so therefore I figured I'd claim it and let y'all decide if I'm within the rules or not. (BTW, if you agree with T.H.L.A.T. and have seen the 'Honey' Video; you my friend are a a flaming homosexual and you work at Pottery Barn) Your thoughts?:


Mr. Nasty Raps said...

Before I even got to the part where you talked about the "Honey" video, I was already thinking about it. And consequently, had already popped about 9 boners.

She does NOT belong on the C.H.U.D. list. If there was a list for bat-shit crazy broads that we'd take to ye olde bone chamber, she'd be at the top.

Anonymous said...

"Straight chud, homie."

Anonymous said...

I'd bone her. I just want to hear her moan in all her levels.....she's not the hottest, but she's crazy...and crazy chicks do crazy things in the sack.....

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

I'm afraid you're right Mr. Nastty Raps... Damn... I was hoping I'd be able to sneak Mariah in under the radar, but you kinda caught me slippin. I guess this demands that we have a sub-category of chicks who are too good looking to be C.H.U.Ds, but based on all of their other obvious shortcomings still manage to be highly defective people, -enough so to still cause considerable embarrassment admitting that you totally want to bone them. -Somebody help me come up with a good title for that category.

Anonymous said...

plus the Jeter ran thru her already lik he ran thru so many others...damn the Jeter....

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Well said... We still need a name for the new Non-C.H.U.D. C.H.U.D. category -Think people!

Anonymous said...

What does "C.H.U.D." stand for again?

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...


Anonymous said...

Need to start a category for hoe's who are going unappreciated, underrated. take my girl hannah montana, homegirls coming up in the game. Wouldnt really say she's underrated but I feel as if fool's are sleepin on that shit. Megan Fox is one of those too.

Anonymous said...

lisa lampanelli