July 14, 2008


At risk of sounding like a complete homo here, I literally love Brett Favre (pause). It may be just wishful thinking, but I think in the next couple of weeks, Ted Thompson and the Packers organization are going to come back to their senses and let Brett do his thing. When you get right down to brass tacks, they HAVE to let him play. I mean, I'm not so blinded by my Favre-goggles to realize that he has fucked this thing up royally. I feel Absolutely horrible for Aaron Rodgers, but after all's said and done, The Packers CANNOT let Favre go. The man IS the Packers. I'm completely sickened by the current situation but I still have faith that come opening day, Sept. 8th, against the Vikings, our boy is gonna be back out there killin' those motherfuckers like he's done for the past 17 years. We need one more Superbowl run (or 2 or 3) before he hangs it up for good and I can be at peace.


Rocky Rococo said...

ah, i hear dhe was in edina the other day looking at cribs. looks like the man might be wearing purple.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

No he wasn't.

Mr. Nasty Raps said...

What's worse, the fact that there is a distinct possibility that your boy will play for the Vikings or the fact that he gave his first interview about the whole situation to Fox News?

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Point taken... Favre's not making a whole bunch of brilliant decisions lately.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about all the Favre drama. I can't wait to see how rodgers performs. Let's have fun in09 and support the fuck out of The Pack! Not just one "legend".