July 5, 2008

Jesse Helms Is D-E-A-D.

This dude hated on pretty much everything. During his heyday, he was like Tipper Gore's big, 'rhoided up brother. He dedicated his life to being more racist than anyone on Capitol Hill. Even Strom Thurmond was like, "Shit, homie, you need to fucking chill."
He also hated on all forms of art, music and movies. This Fox clip makes him out to be a good guy (of course) but he was an absolute cocksucker.
This was a great Fourth of July treat, except I can't help but wonder........ Jello

Who's Jello Biafra gonna whine about now?

1 comment:

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Well said my friend... Good riddance, Jesse Helms, Rest in Pissss!!