October 25, 2008


I think the notion of there being anything resembling a 'liberal media bias' in America is absolute bullshit . The implied validity of right-wing Republican talking points in the framing of her questions, gives you an idea of what this network's agenda is. The assumptions of crooked, nefarious or illegal practices by the Obama campaign are the basis if her entire line of questions. The whole notion of 'Liberal media bias' is entirely made up. It's an intentional strategy to make the media self-conscious and temper their reporting to be highly critical of the left, and to spoonfeed the right. In sports it's called 'working the referees'.


boozin sarandon said...

that was embarrassing...

Africa Black said...

isn't that John McCains wife conducting the interview?

hacksaw jim chuggins said...

who was that shill anyway? whenever she proposed a question she would frame the answer as she was asking it. all so dbag mccain supporters wouldn't believe a word biden said...

Unknown said...

Joe Biden is pretty sharp... Obama's smart. Got the right beaten cleanly on that front.

Anonymous said...

do you by any chance read dailykos.com? if not, i'm sure you'd enjoy.