I think I've posted this video before, but GODdammit, this shit is so dope! I really just love the fact that a little silver-haired gay dude can make a song called the 'Thong Song'. And what's even more ironic still is that there's almost zero thonged butts actually in the video, -even thought there was ample opportunity to do so... I don't care what anybodys says, this song is the JAM. Holler if you're smellin' what I'm cookin'.
peep dudes belly tatt.
Shortly after September 11th, 2001 I predicted that pop-culture musicians would have to cease making songs like "Thong Song" and "Bootyliscious." Who would have the temerity to make that sort of music in a post 9-11 environment? I thought. I was sure that the U.S. would become a more thoughtful place, and that our nations poets(pop-musicians) would feel compelled to say something more reflective of the times than, "I don't think you're ready for this jelly." Yet here we are, eight years after that tragic day and songs like "pokerface" and "stanky leg" dominate the air waves. I guess motherfuckers are just happy being stupid and shit.
I was at the Brazil day festival in NYC last week and the had Portuguese version of thong song and who let the dogs out. I'm glad to know that bad taste is universal.
dumps like a truck, truck, thighs like what what?
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