February 4, 2011


This is an old clip from several months back, but I just wanted to post it to show one of the nation's slipperiest scumbags get his ass handed to him on his own show. This is no easy task mind you, because O'Reilley is a motherfucking blackbelt at rhetorical bullshit and trickery. That being said, facts are facts. If you know your shit, so long as he doesn't cut your mic, or yell over you the entire time, Maher wins this matchup 10 out of 10 times.
Exhibit A:


Anonymous said...

No matter how you feel, Obama is a one term deal...and he knows it.

Anonymous said...

I'd wholeheartedly agree with you, if the Republicans showed any sign of putting forth any potential non-lunatic candidates. Except for the fact that they dont have any left. Who is there? Sarah Palin? That kid from the 'Happy Day's set they had do the State of the Union response? Michelle Bachman?... All of those people are complete lunitards. As much of a huge disappointment as Obama has been, he's been a complete wet dream for the banks and wall street, contrary to what you might hear on all of the right-wing news outlets. My guess, is Obama will be rewarded for all of his pandering and bullshitting, caving in on regulating those motherfuckers. He'll still have plenty of $$$ which is all you really need to win an American-style 'democratic' election these days. My guess is that Obama
Wins a 2nd term in one of the lowest voter turn-out elections ever. That being said. If there's any viable liberal Democratic candidate like Russ Feingold, Anthony Weiner or Alan Grayson who challenges Obama, I'm 100% voting for him. (I just can't ever picture saying the words 'President Weiner'. -Although I'd like to. (no homo).


Red Fox said...

"The Democratic Party doesn't brag about their accomplishments"? What horseshit, that is not the issue. Obama and the Democrats are losing support because they've exposed themselves as total tools of financial oligarchy, and their rhetoric about being "change" has completely fallen short.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

No argument here...

Martin Olson said...

All well said.
Democrats haven't had many accomplishments to brag about except their jumping in bed with the banks, etc...
I kind of think O'reilly won this- Maher was as inarticulate as many democrats. O'reiily had me when he called out Obama for rendition. True true. That is what he has failed at- he was elected to make real change and on major issues like war, torture, supporting dictators etc he has just towed the empire line. He just says it nicer. Look what is happening in Haiti, supporting the leader of Egypt, moving iraqi torture centers under the iraqi forces, etc....Failure. Also don't underestimate these freaks on the right- they could get elected. All said- I'd still put Obama back in after Weiner loses the primaries.

Martin Olson said...

Watch Wisconsin and T-paw to be the non lunatics.

Anonymous said...

"ass handed to him on his own show"?


and obama will be in for two terms, unfortunately.

Red Fox said...

What truly boggles my mind is why people can only understand politics within the narrow framework of elections, as if the sole solution to all social ills is who you're going to vote for next. Honestly, who cares? The Democrats and Republicans illustrate daily their common servitude to empire and they are the only viable choice in the electoral arena. At this point, shouldn't we be looking to alternatives outside of what is given to us? Independent political organizing can transcend the box they try to frame all political debates into and can have a real effect -- the very reason they'd love people to just vote for lesser-evilism, debate along pre-determined talking points, and go back to sleep. I simply think there is a lot more to it than that and get irritated with this talk, "but who are you going to vote for?" "will Obama be a two term president?" as if these are the sole cardinal issues. Many liberals these days just vote and cross their fingers that things will work out, but personally I'd rather be an actor than a spectator in the political arena.