April 15, 2011



Anonymous said...

Maybe they can pay someone to clean up all that shit he just dropped on the floor.

boozin sarandon said...

^^^thats REAL TALK^^

bastion of suffering said...

That was fucking great....

bastion of suffering said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oinker said...

On Point!

Anonymous said...

AWESOME. I'm going to have to research this Joe Crowley as he seems like a true fighter for the American people against the fascism lite Republicons who've spent the last 30 years trying to turn America into a 3rd world country.

Anonymous said...

I just can't wait to see Obama lose in 2012. It really will be awesome.

bastion of suffering said...

Unless there is a repeat of the california election/recall in 2003.... meaning willfully ignorant people elect someone based off of B list (in donalds case C list) acting... i don't see obama going anywhere.. even if doanld trump won the GOP nominee and bloomberg split the independent vote, i HIGHLY doubt you will see change you can invest in...