Check out this awesome new drug that the Russians invented, It's called Krokodil:
Krokodil – It’s a lovely homemade heroin substitute whose primary ingredients are iodine, lighter fluid, industrial cleaning oil, paint thinner, hydrochloric acid and a dash of painkillers for good measure. Krokodil addiction is flourishing in Russia due to crack downs on the flow of Afghan heroin coming into the country which has led to a huge surge in the street price. What this means for most heroin addicts who cannot afford their next fix is that they must attempt to recreate that same euphoria they get from a heroin high using common household items and the result is what is now commonly known as “krokodil”.This homemade heroin synthetic earned its moniker because its poisonous ingredients quickly turn the skin scaly resembling that of a crocodile. Worse follows. Chronic users eventually see their skin rotting and falling off leaving behind just the bone and tissue exposed to the world. Looking at these gruesome photos you would think these people would be suffering from an insurmountable amount of pain, but because they’re essentially injecting poison directly into their flesh, cell and tissue death occurs rather rapidly. This is likely due to the presence of hydrochloric acid being added to the final liquid solution prior to injection, along with red phosphorous, (which most users obtain by scraping and removing the “striker” portion of matchboxes) plays a role in furthering sickening the user. Once the skin around the injection site is damaged, the area becomes a target for gangrene. This leads to skin decay around the injection site and, in time, the skin sloughs off often exposing the bone below. What a pretty sight, eh?
In addition to rotting the users flesh, krokodil also causes severe brain damage. Chronic users who have later recovered report problems with fine motor skills and speech impediments. Even those who miraculously recover without any amputations or disfigurements from their krokodil use eventually have problems with simple motor skills like walking and writing.
I swear those body parts look delicious. It gets me in the mood for summertime BBQs.
As we say out there, "NE' DOBRO"
Original version of this Krokodil post is located at
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