November 24, 2009


Like a Pied Piper for ignorant people, Sarah Palin is whipping her intelectually bankrupt base into a frenzy over her new book 'Going Rogue'. I gotta admit, its kind of interesting conceptually, the idea of a complete idiot who knows virtually nothing about anything, writing a book for people eager to absorb her lack of knowledge... Is it even possible to get dumber by reading? I think it might be. FUCKING CHRIST... When's Soulja Boy gonna write a book? My mind is in need of a vacation.


bastion of suffering said...

You better pray that book tour last two more years.

Anonymous said...

As dumb as most of these people sound, you could make the same video with Obama supporters. Ask the 20 year old girl in your office who wore Obama buttons and tees every day last November what the "public option" is and let me know what she has to say. Republicans do not have a monopoly on idiots (although I will admit seeing some of these dudes in full camo hunting gear talking about foreign policy cracks me up).

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

The Hitler reference is so fucking tired... Wait until Obama starts the widespread 'ethinc cleansing' before you bother trying to make that comparison. Until that happens, shut the fuck up. A better comparison would have been Reagan or somebody like that who was popular and charismatic, but had disasterous policies. For the record, I think the war in Afganistan is stupid and we need to get the fuck out of there, not add more troops. Secondly, Obama needs to drop Tim Giethner and Rahm Emanuel like a bad habit. They both are cancers on the administration/ country. Third, I think Obama needs to grow some balls and get with the fucking program on the public option for health insurance.

All of Obama's faults are in that he's acting more like a Republican than a Democrat. You guys should be stoked... Oh wait, he is black... -My bad

bastion of suffering said...

Obama needs to stop bullshiting and create that universal cell phone charger...