Halloween is next weekend and I need some ideas. Best thing I have so far is this little number from
Amazon called "Down for the Count." I think it's more like down
on the count, but whatever. Anyway, the party is a fund raiser at a church, so I'm kind of on the fence. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks.
UPDATE: After further consideration, I will be going as "
Drunk Mexican." I don't really like the costume, but they were sold out of "Frugal Jew" and "Wife-beating Italian" so I had little choice. My wife will be going as "Sassy Puerto Rican" (it's just her normal clothes with some hoop earrings and chewing gum).
"your father"
if you want to raise some funds for the church ... http://imgur.com/FSm0E.jpg
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