April 17, 2011

The iPad is Killing the US Economy

Despite Derrick Rose's best efforts, it ain't all good in Chi Town. This week, Congressman/imbecile Jesse Jackson Jr. took to the House floor to blast the iPad as a jobs killer. Steve Jobs and the Chinese get fat while the American paper book industry crumbles. Ban the iPad! While we're at it, fuck Microsoft Word! It's putting typewriters out of business!

Under ordinary circumstances, Jesse Jr.'s complaint about the desire of some schools to use the iPad instead of traditional paper books would be merely laughable and ill-informed. However, it gets upgraded to "fucking moronic" when you remember that just last month Jesse Jr. made a speech in Congress advocating for a Constitutional amendment to guarantee a iPad to every child. Peace to everyone on the South Side who voted for this clown.


bastion of suffering said...

I will say though, i never thought i'd be upset seeing a borders closing, but it happened the other day. two whole floors with empty bookshelves.. it's not because of borders i was upset, but rather the symbolism behind it, the end of print.... the dawn of reality...

Anonymous said...

Boy, Chicago really turns em' out, huh?