One of San Francisco's many cultural offerings is this dude who kicks it on Market Street all day with this huge sign that lists all of the different kinds of sex you shouldn't be having. Apparently Holmes doesn't have an internet connection at the crib, because we noticed several things that he completely overlooked. As luck would have it, my associates and I were able to help him out with a few suggestions for some new additions to the sign while waiting at the stop light: "What about bukkake?... -Can you do
bukkake? How 'bout
gay bukkake??... Can you Toss somebody's salad?? How about a
Tossed salad?...What about
scat munching and
golden showers??..."
Although, there were some obvious substantive gaps with the information on his sign, I still gave him an 'A' for typography and graphic design.

(Click image to enlarge the many ways you are a going to rot in hell)
Shiiit I gotta make sure I hit up Market St next month while I'm out there.
Maybe I'll make some of those words that are missing and stick'em on the board...
i agree, rape is bad, you shouldn't do it.
Dude, has alright graphic design skills. That sign is not half bad. Gets the point across. Wonder is he designs local rap flyers?
this should be made into a uber exclusive limited edition t-shirt
I couldn't agree more. I'd rock that all day errrry day.
But its only cool if the guy reads them out loud with a heavy German accent.
My favorite guy on market (that is usually nearby this guy) is the guy who holds the "Jesus Christ Loves You" sign. (im pretty sure i got that right.) A few years back, they had the love parade, with all the lingerie gals, and naked old guys strutting their stuff. And amongst the floats, people, music, and festivities, he just was walking amongst them all with his sign. idk, this became a rant, but I just enjoyed the irony of the scene. I wish my eyes were cameras.
Someone should tell his outfit about the "No pimpism"
no cake farts
i saw a guy with a similar sign (his said something about sex out of wedlock and black men needing to take care of their kids) on market yesterday..he looked at me and said, "hey young blood..TAKE CARE OF YO FUCKIN KIDS!" i promised him that i would.
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