November 6, 2009

Dude, You're Fucking Blowing It

"I just flew in from DC and boy are my arms tired. Big shout out to the homie Joe Medicine Crow! Navajo women looking good in the audience tonight. Give yourselves a round of applause. But seriously, there was a tragic shooting at Fort Hood today..."

What more evidence do we need to conclude that Obama has surrounded himself with clowns? This meaningless appearance should have been cancelled or he should have lead off with sympathy straight from the gate. If Obama's crew can't figure this out, they need to go. I don't care if they can shoot the 3 or raise money through Twitter. These dummies blew it on controlling the healthcare story, stoke petty fights with Fox News and Rush Limbaugh and just generally make the president look like an idiot.

I know a number of people who left Chicago to work in the Obama administration, and I would not pay any of them to shine my shoes let alone handle the president. These are people who got A's on tests but are shocked to learn they still make vinyl records; who care deeply about "the struggle" but never met anyone who lives south of Roosevelt Road or west of Western; who think everyone who is not a Democrat is a hillbilly.

We are thisclose to one term territory, amigo. Pink slips need to rain down in the White House like Ben Gordon jumpers because this is becoming an irreversible joke. CLEAN FUCKING HOUSE!


Anonymous said...

with the bush crew they had a game plan but bush would stumble and fuck it up, with obama the crew is fucking up the game plan and obama as the empty suit he is is just going along with it as if he is still running for election.

Snickerdoodles McPoppycock said...

Ehhh... I dont really think this is that big of a deal. Compared to G. Bush's clowning around talking about "did they hide the WMDs under here" while looking under his podium. -That was real Ringling Bros. caliber clowning. I think in this clip, Obama did fine. I'm starting to come to the conclusion that Obama is much like Bush in the sense that he is just the mascot for the country and not the actual powerbroker that everybody assumes the president inherently is. I mean realistically, i think that the president's actual power depends on how much his agenda is in line with the real puppetmasters behind the scenes; the CIA, Council For Foriegn Relations, global heads of industry etc. Those dudes are actually calling the shots and Obama is merely just the Billy Mays (R.I.P.) of the operation.
I fully agree on cleaning house, Starting with Rahm Emanuel, Tim Geithner, and Larry Summers.

Anonymous said...

this kinda reminds me of the sociopathic behavior of news anchors who talk about a tragic killing then put on the happy face for the next story about a water skiing chipmunk. it seems like troops dying in war is now just filler news when its a slow news day

Detroit Murder Dog said...

Yeah, this one thing by itself is not a big deal, but it's symptomatic of a larger problem. This guy has surrounded himself with incompetents. When you know that every news station is running wall to wall coverage on a shooting and that they are all interrupting that coverage to cut to Obama live, you have to tell the president not to start the speech with shout outs.

Anonymous said...

This is the shit because he immediately recognized the Native American presence in the room. Just like every American should do. I think I just gained more respect for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Did any of you reeeeally think this guy was gonna' live up to the hype. He's a puppet owned by special interest, just like Bush. Interesting that he can fill Air Force One's fuel tanks with taxpayer $$$ to go & politic for Chicago to get the Olympics(which most people there don't even want), but he has chosen not to attend the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. As the representative of the "Land of Freedom", this is one more fuck up that will seal his fate as a one term president. This guy is soooooo overrated.

Anonymous said...

Criticizing Obama for not going to the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall is retarded.. Nobody cared if Bush went for the 19th anniversary, but somehow the 20th is all-important? Come on man; I'm sure Obama's stoked the wall came down, I'd rather he not, as you would say, 'waste taxpayers' money on this purely symbolic gesture. If you're gonna get critical of the guy, focus on his rather lax reigning in of the banking CEOs and his absence on rallying support for the public option. The truth is, he's been in office for a year now. I'd give him a solid C/C+ so far. All Bush did during his first year in office was golf and ride his bike. Writing Obama off this early is a little premature I think. I doubt he or anyone will be able to live up to such high expectations given the problems he inherited from the previous administration. I hope he gets it in gear and helps bring about some real progressive liberal 'change', but I'm not going to call the game in the first quarter.

Anonymous said...

Jim Medicine Crow didn't win the Congressional Medal of Honor as Obama said, it was the Congressional Medal of Freedom. The difference is that the first one goes to military people and the second goes to civilians. This is a small point, but on a day when US military personnel were killed, you'd think the Cmdr In Chief would at least get his military honors right. Note that this isnt some minor award. The Congressional Medal of Honor is the top award someone in the military can get. Again, maybe not a big deal but this mistake in this context just makes Obama look even worse (esp to military people).

boozin sarandon said...

i heard that like 60% of germans want the wall back up